Race Day 4 - Ermioni to Porto Heli. Wind at last. Because we had abandoned Day 3 the Blue Cup organisers set 2 races for Day 4. We raced round the island of Dhokos to the South of Ermioni and then raced from there to Porto Heli. We started the day with brisk Force 4's which soon got up to 6's gusting Force 7. This made for some very exciting close quarters racing with several boats getting altogether too close. This boat suffered a bit of damage when it was T-boned and this was not the worst incident. One boat lost a backstay but fortunately not its whole rig. Nobody was injured and it made for some great stories in the bar at Porto Heli as we all gathered for the brilliant gala dinner that marked the end of racing. The good news was we were getting better. We came 19th in the 4th leg race and then 7th in final 5th leg to end up with a position of 21st overall.